They instead assaulted Daggerfall, but were met by the armies of Wayrest. They began a fifty-seven day siege at Wayrest, before eventually being driven out. In 2E 541, an army of Reachmen under Emperor Durcorach of Cyrodiil, the progenitor of the Longhouse Emperors, invaded High Rock. The kingdom became a powerhouse for the Nedic Direnni Clan, but still continued to thrive even after the clan lost power in High Rock after the Battle of Glenumbra Moors. By 1E 609, under the rule of King Thagore, Daggerfall was the main economic, cultural, and military force in High Rock, and it remained so for millennia until the city of Wayrest eventually surpassed it. However, Daggerfall thrived under Nordic rule and thus had an advantage over its neighbors upon independence. One of such rumors says that the first chieftain threw a dagger and let the spot where it fell act as the border. Skyrim did not hold the city for long, and only held control for about a century before the War of Succession made Skyrim lose all of its territory in the other provinces of Tamriel. Numerous legends surround how the Kingdom of Daggerfall got its name. Daggerfall was initially founded around the year 1E 246 by invading Nords from Skyrim during the Skyrim Conquests, bringing with them a rough civilization.